President's Message (February)
CMA Community, President's MessageJeffrey Janis, M.D.president, president's, message, page, pla, physicians, leadership, academy, moc, part, iv, 4, hcgc, quality, improvement, disco, gala, cma, columbusm, medical, association, pugh, bope, edward, jeffrey, janis, member, membership, fever, applications
Staff Spotlight: Yesenia Rodriguez helps patients eliminate healthcare barriers
Giving BackMatt Peterspcc, voluntary, care, network, coordination, coordinator, yesenia, rodriguez, physicians, connection, careconnection, patients, free, clinic, referral, cma, columbus, medical, association, language, barriers
Open house for Dr. Beth Liston takes place at the CMA
Advocacy, CMA CommunityMatt Petersbeth, liston, cma, house, of, representatives, malcolm, porter, stephanie, costa, pat, ecklar, patrick, allison, russo, kunze, physicians, medical, students, robert, falcone, doctor, advocacy, public, policy, senator, ohio, legislature, legislative, open
President's Message (January)
President's Message, CMA CommunityJeffrey Janis, M.D.president's, president, janis, message, page, monthly, january, cma, member, experience, committee, membership, social, media, grewal, mostafavifar, board, of, directors, taskforce, task, force, lisa, oyer, robert, falcone, physicians, kanny
Culinary Medicine for Physicians
Leadership, WellnessAnita Somani, MDculinary, medicine, pla, physicians, leadership, academy, anita, somani, food, mindfulness, liz, lottes, phil, cass, intro, introduction, family, dinner, projecct, tulane, harvard, laura, robertson, mediterranean, diet
CMA Advocacy (Quarterly Update)
AdvocacyMalcolm Portermalcolm, porter, quarterly, advocacy, update, cma, PAC, public, policyt, physicians, legislature, house, state, ohio, larry, householder, beth, liston, mike, dewine, hb7, government, political, action, committee, politics, reproductive, health, scope, of, practice, medical, liability, coverage
Staff Spotlight: Rebeca Flores demonstrates the power of caring
Giving BackMatt Petersrebeca, flores, stepone, step, one, pregnancy, healthy, prenatal, care, physicians, careconnection, connection, coordination, babies, baby, infant, mortality, pcc, women, mothers, coordinators
Leadership Mindset and Training - the Physicians Leadership Academy
Leadership, WellnessM. Bonnie Pugh, MDbonnie, pugh, pla, physicians, leadership, academy, doctors, copc, central, ohio, primary, care, ob/gyn, obgyn, em, internal, medicine, pediatrics, ophthalmology
PCC Recognizes Katie Clark for 20 years of dedicated care
CMA Community, Giving BackMatt PetersKatie, Clark, retirement, PCC, physicians, care, connection, careconnection, free, clinic, voluntary, network, central, ohio, charitable, pharmacy, good, samaritan, law, edward, bope, nurse, nurses, columbus, dorothy, beehner, cumberland, peoples, health, family, practitioner, mary, mutegi, audrey, barker, delta, dental
Social Media's Relevance to Healthcare Professionals
Advocacy, CMA CommunityAhmad Mostafavifar, MDsocial, media, doctors, physicians, advocacy, sharing, information, communication, influence, digital, Twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, linkedin, whatsapp, platform, pew, research, taskforce, CMA, committee, New England, journal, medicine, patients, mostafavifar, mehran, healthcare, professionals, relevance
Passage of HB7 means physicians can breathe a little easier
Advocacy, CMA CommunityMalcolm Porterhb7, OSMA, lame, duck, malcolm, porter, tort, reform, medical, liability, protection, coverage, shotgun, naming, sympathy, Ohio, general, assembly, physicians, bob, cupp, supreme, court, franklin, county, kevin, bacon, senate
Doctor Grewal to chair new Member Experience Committee
CMA CommunityMatt Peterskanny, grewal, membership, member, experience, committee, doctors, riverside, hospital, cardiologist, cardiology, health, policy, advocacy, hospitals, physicians, cma, columbus, medical, association, value
Opioid epidemic continues to trouble Central Ohio physicians
CMA CommunityMargaret Williams, M.D.opioids, heroin, drugs, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, bacteremia, intraveneous, overdose, drug, crisis, opioid, NIH, prevention, addiction, medicine, education, american, college, physicians, MAT, asam, rx, suboxone, waiver, training, annals, internal, HIV, HCV, OUD, franklin, county, talbot, hall, maryhaven, substance, abuse, mentalm, mental, health, epidemic
President's Message (November)
President's MessageJeffrey Janis, M.D.jeffrey, janis, cma, advocacy, foundation, cmaf, membership, healthy, ideas, lame, duck, tort, reform, house, bill, hb7, scope, of, practice, limiting, insurance, coverage, hb450, edward, bope, president, president's, message, physicians, COTS, PCC, careconnection, care, connection, annamarie, beckmeyer, leadership, academy
Updates from Ohio General Assembly's Current "Lame Duck" Session
AdvocacyMalcolm Porterlame, duck, malcolm, porter, physicians, advocacy, political, action, committee, pac, public, policy, tort, reform, scope, of, practice, general, assembly, costa, cotton, house, bill, 7, hb7, hb, 191, Anne, taylor, senate, 301, liston, beth, legislators, legislature
From 'healthy ideas' to thriving nonprofits
Giving Back, Wellness, LeadershipMatt PetersPLA, CMAF, PCC, COTS, physician, leadership, academy, physicians, care, connection, careconnection, CMA, foundation, healthy, ideas, free, clinic, edward, bope, phil, cass, robert, falcone, voluntary, network, stepone, step, one, prenatal, trauma, central, ohio, system, disaster, preparadness, healthcare, grant, hospital, riverside, hospitals, primary
COTS conducts RHEP Coalition Surge Test (evacuation exercise)
Disaster PreparednessPLACOTS, RHEP, coalition, surge, test, exercise, healthcare, system, evacuation, disaster, preparedness, EMS, hospital, hospitals, HIL, incident, jodi, keller, Ohio, central, department, of, health, after, action, dialysis
Outward Vs. Inward Mindset (Reflecting on November's PLA Session)
LeadershipDiane MayPLA, Jeff Biehl, improving, leadership, mindset, physicians, academy, mindfulness, diane, may, phil, cass, donna, alvarado, introduction, organizational, culture, system, change