Staff Spotlight: Rebeca Flores demonstrates the power of caring
The Physicians CareConnection (PCC), has been leading care coordination efforts in central Ohio for many years. Today, StepOne (a program aimed at lowering Ohio’s high infant mortality rate) is a major component of these coordination efforts.
Rebeca Flores (right) hugs a coworker, photo obtained from Physicians CareConnection Facebook page.
What’s in a name?
Evidence of this program’s success can be seen – not only in the smiling faces of healthy tots – but in the great relationships that StepOne care coordinators have fostered with their clients.
“I have three babies calling me aunt now!” Rebeca Flores, program coordinator for StepOne, said.
In her role as program coordinator, Flores is often the first person to connect women with prenatal care services. Through her work, she has had even had three separate clients name their children after her.
Rebeca says her favorite part of the job is getting to know these women.
“I just love to talk to them, love to understand where they’re coming from, and be able to put myself in their shoes,” Flores said.
A StepOne care coordinator converses with a client, photo by Matt Peters
In addition to prenatal care, StepOne also helps to connect families with postnatal resources – such as food, education, transportation, and family care – to ensure that their children continue to receive proper care throughout early childhood.
“We deal with the patients, assisting them for example with their car seats, diapers, WIC, Medicaid, appointments for primary care, family doctors, pediatrics… I mean, we help the whole family,” Flores explained.
As is the case for many of the StepOne crew, Rebeca sees her work with StepOne as more than just a job. For her, having the opportunity to make a difference in others’ lives is a reward of its own.
“A lot of the stuff we do is not even part of the job. It’s just that we’re going the extra mile to get things done,” Flores said.
Rebeca (right of center) poses with StepOne staff, photo obtained from Physicians CareConnection Facebook page.
Rebeca says that clients will often send her baby pictures or random thank you notes.
“Receiving all those pictures is so amazing. Every single time I get a picture or a card – it just feels so nice,” Flores said.
Rebeca Flores, while not one to take credit for her work, is a testament to the impact that PCC is making through its StepOne program. The team at StepOne are steadily improving pregnancy outcomes for women throughout central Ohio.
For more information about StepOne, please visit this page.