President's Message (November)
I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday. This is the time of year when we take stock in our good fortunes. I am first and foremost grateful for my family and friends. I am also very thankful for the opportunity to be a part of our amazing physician community here in central Ohio.
There are so many good things happening here at the CMA. Keep reading to learn how our members are changing the face of healthcare through advocacy and healthy ideas. See how members have transformed their ideas into impactful organizations that continue to make a difference in Central Ohio.
Links: Advocacy | CMA Foundation | Membership
Updates from Ohio General Assembly's Current "Lame Duck" Session
Malcolm Porter, Political Consultant to the CMA
Tort Reform: House Bill 7. This bill helps physicians’ malpractice legal environment, with several changes. Two examples include:
Reducing the universal naming in a lawsuit of all providers involved with a patient by requiring of "an affidavit of merit" for each defendant that is named by the plaintiff
Not allowing expressions of sympathy, empathy or apologies for an undesired health outcome to be used against a physician in a malpractice suit.
Scope of Practice: House Bill 191 and Senate Bill 301. These companion bills would expand the scope of practice of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists. A number of physician organizations and specialty societies have raised patient care concerns. Central Ohio physicians Drs. Anne Taylor and Robert Derick were among those testifying in opposition
Limiting Insurance Coverage: House Bill 450. This bill is being promoted by some insurance and business interests as a way to make it more difficult to enact change to Ohio’s health insurance policy requirements for minimum coverages. The House of Medicine coalition of physician and hospital organizations opposes this bill. The attached letter provides detail. (Read More)
Dr. Bope assists a patient at the Physicians Free Clinic, 1995
The CMA Foundation is the place where healthy ideas grow
"The CMA Foundation was critical to making this free clinic start and exist. By providing funding for medications, and finally for staff and materials, it kept the group afloat."
- Dr. Edward Bope, Former CMA President
Learn how the CMA Foundation is helping physicians transform their healthy ideas into impactful organizations. (Read More)
Why CMA?
Annamarie Beckmeyer, Vice President AMA/OSMA-MSS
"Early in my medical education, I knew I wanted to get a jump start on advocating for patients and my future medical practice. I found a home at the CMA - a place where I could take my concerns as a medical student and transfer them into meaningful action. The CMA gives me an opportunity to engage with the Columbus community and the physicians who practice here. It is refreshing to go beyond the classroom and begin the work of medicine." (More about CMA Membership)
Annamarie Beckmeyer
CMA Board of Directors - Vice President, AMA/OSMA-MSS