COTS conducts RHEP Coalition Surge Test (evacuation exercise)
Disaster PreparednessPLACOTS, RHEP, coalition, surge, test, exercise, healthcare, system, evacuation, disaster, preparedness, EMS, hospital, hospitals, HIL, incident, jodi, keller, Ohio, central, department, of, health, after, action, dialysis
COTS prepares Ohioans for mass-trauma situations with “Stop the Bleed” initiative
Disaster PreparednessMatt Petersdisaster, preparadness, COTS, central, ohio, trauma, las vegas, shooting, stop the bleed, Columbus, RHEP, coalition, emergency, Jodi, Keller, gunman, tourniquet, mass casualty, initiative
Ohio Medicaid Change Responsive to Physician Concerns
AdvocacyMalcolm PorterODHP, MAC, medical, association, coalition, Ohio, physicians, health, program, mental, emotional, illness, medicaid, physician, SMBO, addiction