Election Information 2022 | Episode 1

Over the next four weeks, we will have an informational series that focuses on November’s election.

This first episode is an outline of this election – key dates for the voting process.

 Subsequent episodes will focus on important elections that are usually not high-profile races. Rather than give information on the Governor, US Senate, or other statewide administrative offices which generally get a lot of attention, we will focus on the State Legislature, the Ohio Supreme Court, and statewide ballot measures. These elections can be very important for the policies that govern the practice of medicine in Ohio. This series is not intended to suggest how to vote, but rather to provide information to help voters make informed decisions.

First, an outline of key steps for voting in this election. If you, a member of your family, staff at your work, or friends are not sure about voting steps or options, hopefully, this information is helpful:

Election Day is November 8.


Anyone wanting to vote must be registered by October 11.  Registration can be completed online.

Go to https://olvr.ohiosos.gov/ for more information and for links that can take anyone through the process.


Once a person is registered, there are different ways to cast your ballot, including options to vote early in the month of October if going to the polls on November 8th is not possible for you.


To vote via an absentee ballot go to https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/voters/absentee-voting/  for more information. Your first step is to REQUEST an absentee ballot from your county board of elections. After filling out the request, it must be RETURNED to your county board of elections. Information for this activity is on the website, as well as a system to electronically monitor your ballot application. Applications can be sent to your Board of Elections now, and absentee ballots will begin to be returned to voters on October 12.


If you do not want to vote absentee via the mail, there are in-person early voting options. To see your early voting location click here. Beginning on October 12, a registered voter can go to their county board of elections to cast an in-person ballot.


A calendar for absentee or in-person voting options can be found here. Note that as the election gets closer there are weekend times for in-person early voting.

Hopefully, everyone who wants to vote gets registered and has a game plan for voting. Beginning next week, we will have information on Central Ohio state legislative races – beginning with helping you find out what legislative district you live in with the new political maps for this election.

If you have any questions about this election and the Columbus Medical Association, don’t hesitate to contact Malcolm Porter, the CMA’s consultant for policy and politics, at malcolmjporter@aol.com.

AdvocacyMalcolm Porter