Thanksgiving 2020 - For Whom Do You Wear a Mask and Social Distance?

The holiday season is fast approaching and is epitomized by being selfless—thinking of others before ourselves.

As the COVID pandemic continues to plague the United States, Ohio, and Central Ohio—we, as central Ohio physicians, want to share a commitment that we can all make as a community to be selfless this holiday season.

  • We will wear a mask every time we leave the house, no exceptions, even outside with friends

  • We will reduce non-essential errands, visits and activities to only those that are absolutely necessary

  • We will socially distance every time we’re with people other than those in our household

  • We will stop all in-person gatherings that include people other than those in our household – like playdates, birthday parties, dinners.

 During this holiday season, who will you be selfless for?

The Columbus Medical Association wishes you a happy and HEALTHY holiday and know that perhaps the greatest gift you can give this holiday season is to do your part and stop the spread of COVID 19.

Happy Thanksgiving,

The Columbus Medical Association Board of Directors:
Beth Liston, MD, CMA President; Sugat Patel, MD, CMA President-Elect;  Jeffrey Janis, MD, CMA Past-President; Catherine Romanos, MD;  Ahmad Mostafavifar, MD;  Marc Parnes, MD;  Paula Amin, MD;  Britta Buchenroth, MD;  William Cotton, MD;  Eric Drobny, MD;  Daniel Eiferman, MD; Laura Espy-Bell, MD; Becca Glowinski, Kanny Grewal, MD; Kathy Harter, Terry Olson, MD: Douglas Weaver, Melissa Winterhalter, MD