President's Message (October)
One of my primary goals for my term is to use this new "President's Page" to proactively highlight information that is practical, relevant and pertinent – from the issues being tackled by our committees and task forces, to decisions being made at the executive level and even the work being done by our staff here in Columbus.
Each month, we will highlight and showcase two or three important items – from the work of our committees and task forces to special events and timely topics – we will update you on progress made and future steps in an easy-to-read, concise format. I'm sure you will not only be more informed about the fantastic work going on behind the scenes every day, but truly impressed.
Links: Medical Marijuana Program | Advocacy | New Membership Dues Structure
Thank you to the CMAF for supporting this year's Emerging Trends program!
Dr. Marc Parnes (CMA Foundation President)
The CMA and CMA Foundation have a long history of helping to improve health and wellness, and ultimately making a difference in our community. The opportunity to co-present the “Marijuana as Medicine” program helped achieve all of these missions. While many questions were answered, there yet remains many more on this emerging hot topic. More research will help expand our knowledge on this issue, and the expert panel clearly outlined the current and future states of affairs.
This included the most current information of how medical marijuana may have efficacy, where it hasn’t shown any benefit, and where it is clearly harmful. Physician attendees are now not only more informed themselves, but will be in a better position to answer patient questions about it. Our guest speakers, Drs. Jerry Mitchell, Harrison Weed and Gary Wenk were all extremely knowledgeable. All of their presentations were not only informative, but enjoyable to watch. The CMA and CMA Foundation appreciated the opportunity to partner together to present the members with such a valuable program.
- Drs. Jeffrey Janis (CMA President) and Marc Parnes (CMAF President)
Marijuana as Medicine (Podcast)
Members can access a full-length recording of this year's Emerging Trends in Healthcare program. Just click the link below and sign in to The Loop. (If you've forgotten your login information, you can reset your password or contact Lisa)
Link: Full Podcast
Join our Public Policy and Political Action Committee
As the physician leaders for the CMA's 2019 Public Policy and Political Action Committee, please know that any Central Ohio physician is welcome to attend our meetings and participate in any portion of our work.
We represent very different backgrounds in this area - Dr. Cotton is a long-time participant in policy and politics for the CMA, OSMA, and the Academy of Pediatrics, while Dr. Costa is new to the committee and this area work for the CMA.
As co-chairs with this varied background, we hope that we can help embody an invitation that all physicians are welcome to participate.
Below is some information for our upcoming meeting on November 15. We look forward to the upcoming work in the political area on behalf of physicians and our patients.
Stephanie Costa, MD and Bill Cotton, MD
Co-Chairs , CMA Public Policy and Political Action Committee
New Membership Dues Structure
The CMA has completed a strategic planning process that has led to a variety of changes to how we will communicate to and engage with our membership. The process also revealed our need to transition from a traditional membership model to one that offers options to members... Read More
- Dr. Robert Falcone (CEO, the Columbus Medical Association)
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