Conversations that Matter: The First CMA Women in Medicine Virtual Event
A breakout room from the CMA’s Women in Medicine Virtual Event
Back in March, the CMA was scheduled to host their first highly anticipated Women in Medicine event, aimed at bringing together women physicians to discuss their experiences in the medical field. However, with the rise of COIVD-19 is was unfortunately canceled.
Yet the desire for women physicians to still connect and share was strong and it was decided that if they couldn’t meet in person, they’d meet virtually. So, last night a group of women physicians from across Central Ohio logged into Zoom to do just that.
Among those on the Zoom call here are some of the participants’ comments:
“I draw a lot of strength from other women in medicine”
“We want to have more conversations that matter and this group lets us do it.”
“There is a great need for collaboration and inventory of initiatives.”
"I'm really glad to have great women mentors, they want to make a difference especially with everything going on now."
“It's important for women to discuss their perspective and ideas about medical practice in life.”
The meeting was supported by CMA endorsed sponsor Oswald and they will be sending $5 gift cards to the participants.
Keep an eye out for the next meeting!