Emerging Trends in Healthcare Program 2019: Single Payer Healthcare

Last Thursday, we held our 2019 Emerging Trends in Healthcare Program on Single Payer Healthcare and how it might impact physicians and patients. Attendees braved the cold weather for an evening of fun, education, and open conversation on one of the hottest health topics being debated in today’s politics.

Ean Bett, MD

Dr. Bett started off the evening with a comprehensive explanation of the various types of healthcare options up for debate and how they would work here in America. He went over the differences between a single payer system and universal healthcare as will as the nuances between Nation Health Insurance, National Heath Service, and Social Heath Insurance.

You watch Dr. Bett’s presentation from 1:26 to 24:27.

Bett’s Presentation Slides

Handout 1 | Handout 2

Dr. Ean Bett

Dr. Ean Bett

Greg Moody

Greg Moody

Greg Moody

Next, Greg Moody, who is an Executive-in-Residence at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs with a background in health policy, gave an in depth presentation on the public policy and economic implications when considering a single payer system in America. He explained how much money we as a country spend on healthcare, compared to the rest of the world and where there might be opportunities policy and change.

You can watch Moody’s presentation from 24:31 to 41:47.

Moody’s Presentation Slides

Dr. Cecil Thomas

Dr. Cecil Thomas

Cecil Thomas, DO

Rounding out the evening, Dr. Thomas spoke of his time practicing in New Zealand’s public healthcare system. He relayed colorful stories about how the practice of medicine and aproach to health is generally just different there. Dr. Thomas, highlighted the many variations, from New Zealand’s approach to end of life care and the lack of an opioid crisis and how that directly related to their public healthcare system.

You can watch Dr. Thomas’ presentation from 41:54 to 57:17.

After the presentations, there was time for a Q & A. Questions varied from why is healthcare so expensive, to wondering if the the system is just to big to change, to if a single payer system would impact physician burnout. Watch the Q & A section starting at 57:30.

You can find more upcoming events on our website at: columbusmedicalassociation.org/calendar-of-events

More photos from this night are on our flickr.

Advocacy, CMA CommunityLisa Oyer