Racism is a Public Health Crisis

The Columbus Medical Association represents all physicians who live and practice in Central Ohio. We would like to thank the Columbus City Council and the Franklin County Commissioners for recognizing that racism is a public health crisis. We encourage the State of Ohio to do the same.

Although we all strive to treat people with dignity and equality, even as clinicians we may treat people differently based on our own implicit biases. The Robert Woods Johnson Foundation (2017) showed that 32% of Black Americans personally experienced racial discrimination when going to a doctor or health clinic and 22% avoided seeking care out of concern about discrimination. We believe that drawing attention to this issue can help ensure we are all part of the solution.

We know health outcomes are significantly worse for Black Americans. In Ohio, the Department of Health reported as of April 30, 2020, 24% of coronavirus patients were African American, while they only make up 13% of the state’s population. We have been talking about this pandemic but what must be made clear is that this disparity is not unique and can be seen in any disease studied.  Some of this is due to the social determinants of health including inequities in economic stability, education, physical environment, food, and access to health care.

We know the day to day experiences of Black Americans may include profiling, unfair treatment, and broad discrimination. This creates physiological responses that lead to increased stress and premature aging. Black American physicians have told us on a personal level that their heart races every time they see a police officer even when they are not doing anything wrong. The events of this week across the country have highlighted that the reason for this fear is justified and must be addressed.

Simply put, science tells us stress from racism worsens health.  As physicians, we are obligated to speak out.

By recognizing that racism is a public health crisis we can affect change in Ohio and our community. At the state level, legislators and policy makers can pass laws that give Black Americans equal access to safe housing, health care, and education. Local governments have roles to play to implement these kinds of policies. And as local physicians, we need to mentor our minority youth to consider careers in health care and help provide a path to success. We can also educate ourselves on our own implicit biases and work to provide equitable care to all of patients regardless of the color of their skin.

On behalf of the Columbus Medical Association and its Affiliates (the Physicians CareConnection, the COTS, the Physicians Leadership Academy, and the Columbus Medical Association Foundation) we are committed to this work to help create policy to improve access to health care, as well as to provide health care to our black and brown patients. We applaud the County and City for their steps and ask our legislators at the state level to do the same.

- Dr. Robert Falcone

CEO of the Columbus Medical Association | CEO of the Physician CareConnection | CEO of the COTS | CEO of the Physicians Leadership Academy | CEO of the Columbus Medical Association Foundation

Robert Falcone, M.D.