President's Message - January 2020

Happy New Year and welcome back to another edition of the President's Message with Dr. Jeffrey Janis.

The work of the CMA centers around Advocacy, Care, Community, and Education. So, for the next few months, each President's message will highlight what's happening at the CMA around these important areas.

This month is all about Advocacy and there's a lot to cover so let’s get to it!

Advocacy Day (April 1, 2020)

This is a new event where CMA Physicians will have a day to learn and experience how advocacy really works in Central Ohio at the Statehouse. The CMA will offer training, prior to the event, in giving effective testimony and how to have a successful meeting with a legislator. CMA president elect (and state representative) Dr. Beth Liston and other physician colleagues with Statehouse experience will be on hand for guidance and advice. More information about this great opportunity is coming soon.

Candidate Interviews

Each election season, the CMA holds interviews with various candidates. CMA physicians can take part in informing the candidates about healthcare issues and get to know the election hopefuls better. Keep an eye open for more information about these interviews as we get deeper into election season.

Get Involved
There are so many ways for CMA members to get involved and make their voice heard. Here are just a few: